Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Progress - Wk 2 - 5

Wk 5:

Worked on 3 mirrored animations of previous turn-arounds.
Found issues with rigs when using Yena's mel script to copy over animations to the rest of pedestrian rigs.

Wk 4:

Modelled blimp, UV unwrapped and Textured.

Wk 3:

Modelled business woman pedestrian, UV Unwrapped and rigged.

Wk 2:

Completed the rest of the animations.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

3114GFS_P2: Games Project - Wk 1

Second and final semester, continuing to work on 'Wreckless Conduct'.


List of work that needs to be done at the moment:
  • Policeman, business woman, business man, children
  • Animations:
    • Hesitation x1
    • Horror x3
  • Make opposite animations for turn-arounds made last semester.
  • Check if scared animations made last semester can loop (for Inicus).
  • Storyboarding for intro scene to game.

Here are the storyboards. Pretty much what is boarded is as follows:

  • Shots 1 - 5: Introduction to the game.
  • Shots 6 - 10: Introducing the player, showing off the competition, and an example of car abilities to the 'audience'.
  • Shots 11 - 14: Showing what other gameplay happens in the event (such as running over pedestrians, crashing into things. Also chucked in the ad billboard to keep consistent with the game show theme.)
  • Shots 15 - 16: wrapping up commentary and leading to gameplay.
This was the best i could figure to introduce the game and objectives as the announcer without actually having any audio/script to work off for the storyboard design.
If there are any additions, subtractions, etc, anything, let me know.

I hope the storyboards are easy enough to figure out what models are needed but if not:
  • blimp + megaspeakers
  • city / road intersection
  • cars + weapons.
  • whatever destructible item you wanna show off in the clip.
  • at least one building with ad billboard...

    Wreckless Conduct Trailer - Prototype

    Here it is! Wreckless Conduct Trailer Prototype!

    What still needs to be done is to replace all the props and buildings for models we've modeled ourselves. Currently the scene consists of models edited and found online from TurboSquid.